
PyPI Python Test License

Create and launch docker containers on multiple hosts.


This library provides:

  • SSH public key authentication checker and its set-up command

  • Launch multiple Docker containers on arbitrary host(s), via command line or Python script


pip install docker-launch


To check if SSH public key authentication to user@ is enabled or not, run

>>> from docker_launch import check_connection
>>> check_connection("user@")

or from command line,

$ docker-launch check user@

If the authentication hasn’t been set-up, you can configure it via

docker-launch check user@ --setup

Once the authentication is set-up, let’s prepare configuration file path/to/config.toml

baseimg = "ros:humble-ros-core"
command = "env ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 topic pub {a} std_msgs/msg/Float64 '{{data: 123.45}}'"
targets = [
    { a = "first", __machine__ = "localhost" },
    { a = "/second", __machine__ = "user@" },

This will spawn

  • ros:humble-ros-core container on the host machine, executing command env ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 topic pub first std_msgs/msg/Float64 '{data: 123.45}'

  • ros:humble-ros-core container on user@, executing command env ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 topic pub /second std_msgs/msg/Float64 '{data: 123.45}'

by running

>>> from docker_launch import launch_containers
>>> launch_containers("path/to/config.toml", remove=True)


docker-launch up path/to/config.toml --rm

For the details of the options, see docker run documentation and Docker SDK’s documentation.

Options of docker run command which docker-launch command and docker_launch.launch_containers() function doesn't support
  • --attach, -a

  • --cgroupns

  • --cidfile

  • --detach, -d (always True)

  • --detach-keys

  • --disable-content-trust

  • --env-file

  • --expose

  • --gpus

  • -h (use --hostname instead)

  • --interactive, -i

  • --ip

  • --ip6

  • --label-file

  • --link-local-ip

  • --log-driver

  • --log-opt

  • --mount

  • --net (only bridge, none, host, and container:<name|id> are supported)

  • --net-alias

  • --network (only bridge, none, host, and container:<name|id> are supported)

  • --network-alias

  • --no-healthcheck

  • --pull

  • --sig-proxy

  • --stop-timeout

  • --ulimit

  • -v (use --volume instead)

Options of Docker SDK's function which docker-launch command doesn't support (docker_launch.launch_containers() function supports them)
  • auto_remove

  • device_requests

  • init_path

  • log_config

  • lxc_conf

  • mounts

  • nano_cpus

  • network

  • network_disabled

  • stdin_open

  • stdout

  • stderr

  • stream

  • ulimits

  • use_config_proxy

  • version

Configuration File Spec

The configuration is described in TOML format. Required fields are:

  • baseimg (string) - Name of the image from which the containers are created

  • command (string) - Command template to execute in each containers, with Python style placeholder (positional placeholder e.g. {0} isn’t supported)

  • targets (array of table) - List of parameter tables for each containers, and special parameter __machine__

The fields above must be grouped in a table.

baseimg = "docker:image-name"
command = "command template with {placeholder}"
targets = [
    { placeholder = "this", __machine__ = "user@" },
    { placeholder = "that" },

A configuration file can have multiple tables

baseimg = "docker:image-name"
command = "command template with {placeholder}"
targets = [
    { placeholder = "this", __machine__ = "user@" },
    { placeholder = "that" },

baseimg = "docker:other-image"
command = "other command {parameter} with curly braces {{escaped}}"
targets = [
    { parameter = 100, __machine__ = "user@" },
    { parameter = 200 },

Optional field:

  • include (array of string) - Paths to additional configuration files

The instruction must be declared at top level (not inside tables).

include = ["path/to/other/config.toml", "/path/to/another/config.toml"]

baseimg = "docker:image-name"
command = "command template with {placeholder}"
targets = [
    { placeholder = "this", __machine__ = "user@" },
    { placeholder = "that" },

This library is using Semantic Versioning.