Source code for docker_launch.config_parser

"""Parse and format the configuration.

Check if valid keys are defined in configuration file, optionally import other
configuration file, then convert a1 - a3 into the list of b1 - b3.

a1. Docker image
a2. Command template
a3. Individual container configuration

b1. Docker image
b2. Full command
b3. Machine to run the container


from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Hashable, List, overload

from tomlkit.toml_document import TOMLDocument
from tomlkit.toml_file import TOMLFile

from . import utils
from .exceptions import ConfigFileError
from .typing import Literal, PathLike

Substitution = Dict[str, str]
LaunchConfiguration = Dict[Literal["image", "cmd", "machine"], str]

def _substitute_command(template: str, values: Substitution) -> str:

def _substitute_command(template: str, values: List[Substitution]) -> List[str]:
    if isinstance(values, dict):
        return template.format_map(defaultdict(lambda: "", values))

    return [template.format_map(defaultdict(lambda: "", v)) for v in values]

[docs]class ConfigFileParser: SpecialTopLevelKeys: List[str] = ["include"] SpecialInTableKeys: List[str] = ["baseimg", "command", "targets"] def __init__(self, config_path: PathLike): self.config_path = Path(config_path) @property def raw_content(self) -> TOMLDocument: return self._read(self.config_path) def _read(self, path: PathLike) -> TOMLDocument: return TOMLFile(path).read() def _validate(self, content: TOMLDocument) -> None: _content = deepcopy(content) for k, v in _content.items(): if k in self.SpecialTopLevelKeys: continue if not isinstance(v, dict): raise ConfigFileError(f"Value of '{k}' should be table, got {type(v)}.") _ = [v.pop(_k, None) for _k in self.SpecialInTableKeys] if len(v) > 0: raise ConfigFileError(f"{v.keys()} is not supported.")
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, config_path: PathLike) -> Dict[Hashable, List[LaunchConfiguration]]: parsed = cls(config_path)._parse() return utils.groupby(parsed, "machine")
def _resolve_path(self, path: PathLike, parent: Path) -> Path: return Path(path) if Path(path).is_absolute() else parent / path def _parse(self, path: Path = None) -> List[LaunchConfiguration]: """Parse the config file. INTENTION OF FUNCTION NESTING When a classmethod calls instance member which recursively calls itself, some arguments leak into the other classmethod call. Minimal reproduction is shown below. import time class A: @classmethod def a(cls): return cls().b() def b(self, c = []): if len(c) > 2: return c c.append(time.time()) return self.b(c) A.a() is A.a() # True """ def __parse( path: Path = None, already_parsed: List[Path] = [] ) -> List[LaunchConfiguration]: if path is None: path = self.config_path if path in already_parsed: return [] already_parsed.append(path) config = self._read(path) self._validate(config) launch_config = [] additional_config_files = config.pop("include", []) for _path in additional_config_files: _path = self._resolve_path(_path, path.parent) parsed = __parse(_path, already_parsed) launch_config.extend(parsed) for group in config.values(): image = group.get("baseimg", "ubuntu:latest") command_template = group.get("command", "") targets = group.get("targets", []) _config = self._generate_config(image, command_template, targets) launch_config.extend(_config) return launch_config return __parse(path) def _generate_config( self, image: str, command_template: str, targets: List[Substitution] ) -> List[LaunchConfiguration]: commands = _substitute_command(command_template, targets) machines = [t.get("__machine__", None) for t in targets] return [ {"image": image, "cmd": cmd, "machine": machine} for cmd, machine in zip(commands, machines) ]
parse = ConfigFileParser.parse