Source code for neclib.devices.motor.cpz7204

__all__ = ["CPZ7204"]

import time

import astropy.units as u

from ... import get_logger, utils
from .motor_base import Motor

[docs]class CPZ7204(Motor): """Pulse motion controller for NANTEN2 M4. Notes ----- Configuration items for this device: rsw_id : {0, 1, ..., 16} or {"0", "1", ..., "9", "A", ..., "F"} Board identifier. This should be set to the same value as the rotary switch "RSW1" mounted on the side of the board. The board is shipped with default RSW1 setting of 0. This ID would be non-zero, when multiple PCI board of same model are mounted on a single FA (Factory Automation) controller. See defaults setting file in neclib/defaults/config.toml. """ Manufacturer = "Interface" Model = "CPZ7204" Identifier = "rsw_id" def __init__(self) -> None: self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.rsw_id = self.Config.rsw_id = self._initialize_io() @utils.skip_on_simulator def _initialize_io(self): import pyinterface io =, self.rsw_id) if io is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot communicate with the PCI board.") io.initialize() return io
[docs] def set_step(self, position: str) -> None: self.move(position) return
[docs] def get_step(self) -> str: status = if status["busy"]: position = "MOVE" elif status["limit"]["+EL"] == 0: position = "OUT" elif status["limit"]["-EL"] == 0: position = "IN" else: self.logger.warning("limit error") position = "ERROR" return position
[docs] def move(self, position: str) -> None: if position == "OUT": step = 1"m4 move out") elif position == "IN": step = -1"m4 move in") else: self.logger.warning("parameter error") return mode="JOG", acc_mode="SIN", low_speed=100, speed=1000, acc=500, step=step, axis=1, )"JOG")"start_motion") time.sleep(0.5) return
[docs] def stop(self, mode: str) -> None: # mode: "DEC", "IMMEDIATE", 1) return
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None:[0, 0, 0, 0], 1)
[docs] def set_speed(self, speed: float, axis: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def get_speed(self, axis: str) -> u.Quantity: pass