



class StatusManager(ctx_type, /, start='start', stop='stop', idx_getter=<built-in function time>, keep=60)[source]#

Bases: Generic[T]

Manage multiple contexts.

  • ctx_type (Type[T]) – A dataclass type which keeps single status/context. The arguments of its constructor should have default values, otherwise get(out_of_range) will fail.

  • start (str) – Name of the attribute which stores the start index of the context. The index would typically be the time.

  • stop (str) – Name of the attribute which stores the stop index of the context.

  • idx_getter (Callable[[], float]) – A function which returns the current index. This function is called with no arguments.

  • keep (float) – Maximum index difference from current one to keep the context. Contexts with index difference larger than this value will be removed.


>>> @dataclass
... class Context:
...     start: Optional[float] = None
...     stop: Optional[float] = None
...     value: int = 0
>>> manager = StatusManager(Context)
>>> manager.get(time.time())
Context(start=None, stop=None, value=0)  # default value
>>> manager.set(start=time.time(), stop=time.time() + 10, value=100)
>>> manager.get(time.time())
Context(start=..., stop=..., value=100)
get(idx, /)[source]#

Find the context that contains the specified index value.


idx (float) – The index value to search for.

Return type:

The context that contains the specified index value.

set(_obj=None, /, **kwargs)[source]#

Set the context.

  • kwargs (Any) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the constructor of the context type.

  • _obj (Optional[T]) –

Return type:
